Alyssa is a Photographer who was born and raised in Minnesota. She is in her mid twenties, and graduated from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) in 2019. At MCAD, she found a passion for architectural photography and most of her projects since have focused on the subject. She also enjoys shooting candid photography of the people around her and of her friends.

She found her love for photographing architecture in her second year of her undergraduate degree when a practice photo of the side of a house made her think twice. Now, architecture has been a focus for two years, and had inspired many projects photographed with both digital cameras, as well as large format film cameras. Alyssa draws inspiration from other architectural photographers such as Bernd and Hilla Becher, and Mike Melman.

Alyssa also enjoys making her own photo books, and has since starting college. She has made twelve books over the last four years and enjoys the process tremendously. Her most adventurous book was one she made for a project titled Whittier Typologies. This book was made into an accordion style and when closed it measures 15” x 12” x 2”, when the accordion is fully extended, however, the length of the book measures seventeen feet long.

Alyssa has a love for traveling as well, and lived in Florence, Italy for five months on exchange with the Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze. During this time she focused on her love of architectural photography and learning new ways to view her surroundings. While in Florence she produced two photo books. One focused on doors throughout Europe and how they differed from those in Minnesota. The second book focused on looking up instead of down to your feet, and what you might see in these times.

Currently, Alyssa is trying to get a freelance business off the ground. Her future plans are very open at the moment, though she would enjoy continuing to travel, and has thought about teaching English as a second language. She is also interested in behind the scenes photography, as well as music photography.